How to Clean Sneakers in the Washing Machine

How to Clean Sneakers in the Washing Machine?

If you are one of those people who think about How to Clean Sneakers in the Washing Machine, then you are at the right place. Smelly sneakers can be a nuisance, but with the right approach, you can restore their freshness and extend their lifespan. One convenient solution is to clean them in the washing machine. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, ensuring your sneakers emerge odor-free and ready for action.

Assessing Sneaker Material to Clean Sneakers

Before tossing your sneakers into the washing machine, it’s crucial to assess the materials they’re made of. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Canvas, mesh, and synthetic materials are generally safe for machine washing.
  • Leather sneakers should be avoided, as the water and agitation can cause cracking, drying, and damage.
  • Check the care labels or manufacturer’s instructions for specific guidelines on machine washing.
  • Inspect the sneakers for delicate embellishments or decorations that may not withstand washing.
  • If unsure about the materials, err on caution and opt for hand-washing or spot-cleaning instead.

Pre-Washing Preparations

How to Clean Sneakers in the Washing Machine

Before loading your sneakers into the washing machine, proper preparation is key. Follow these steps:

  • Remove the laces and any removable insoles or liners.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush or a damp cloth to remove excess dirt, mud, or debris from the sneakers. Pre-treat any stubborn stains with a gentle stain remover or a small amount of laundry detergent.
  • Place the insoles and liners in a mesh garment bag to prevent them from getting lost during the wash cycle.
  • Check for any loose threads or embellishments and secure them to prevent further damage.
  • Consider using a sneaker cleaning solution or deodorizing spray for extra freshness.
  • If the sneakers have been soiled, you may want to pre-soak them in warm water and mild detergent.

Loading the Washing Machine

Once your sneakers are prepped, it’s time to load them into the washing machine properly. Follow these steps:

  • Place the sneakers in the drum, spacing them out evenly to prevent excessive thumping or noise during the cycle.
  • If washing multiple pairs, alternate the placement of the shoes to distribute the weight evenly.
  • Add the mesh bag containing the insoles and liners to the drum.
  • Include a couple of clean, dry towels to help balance the load and reduce noise.
  • Add the appropriate amount of oxygenated bleach and liquid detergent to the dispenser. Oxygenated bleach can help remove tough odors and stains.
  • Choose a gentle, liquid detergent designed for delicate fabrics or athletic wear to prevent damage to the sneaker materials.
  • Avoid powdered detergents, as they can leave residue in the sneakers’ nooks and crannies, potentially leading to odor buildup over time.

Choosing the Right Washing Cycle

Selecting the right washing cycle ensures your sneakers come out clean and undamaged. Here’s what you should consider:

  • Opt for a delicate or gentle cycle with cold water to minimize agitation and prevent shrinkage or damage.
  • Cold water is particularly effective in removing odors, as warm or hot water can create smells and make them more difficult to eliminate.
  • If your sneakers are heavily soiled, consider using a pre-soak setting or an extra rinse cycle to ensure thorough cleaning and odor removal.
  • Pay close attention to the recommended settings for the specific materials of your sneakers.
  • Avoid using a regular or heavy-duty cycle, as the agitation and heat can be too harsh on sneakers.

Initiating the Washing Process

With your sneakers loaded, detergent added, and the appropriate cycle selected, it’s time to start the washing process. Here’s what you should do:

  • Start the machine and allow it to complete the full cycle.
  • Monitor the progress periodically and listen for unusual noises or movements that may indicate an issue.
  • If you hear excessive thumping or banging, pause the cycle, redistribute the sneakers, and restart the wash.
  • Ensure the drum is balanced for optimal cleaning and to prevent damage to the machine or sneakers.
  • Avoid interrupting the cycle unnecessarily, as this can affect the cleaning efficiency.

Post-Washing Practices

Once the washing cycle is complete, following proper post-washing practices is essential to ensure your sneakers dry correctly and maintain their shape. Here’s what you should do:

  • Prevent putting your sneakers in the dryer, as the high heat can cause damage to the materials, leading to shrinkage, discoloration, or loss of shape.
  • Remove the laces and insoles (if they were in a mesh bag) and place them in a well-ventilated area to air-dry completely.
  • Consider using a deodorizing spray or sprinkling baking soda inside the sneakers to absorb any remaining moisture and odors.
  • Explore alternative solutions like no-show socks or sneaker liners to help prevent future odor buildup.
  • Stuff the sneakers with crumpled paper or towels to help maintain their shape during drying.
  • Rotate the sneakers every few hours to ensure even drying and prevent misshaping.
  • Avoid direct sunlight, as it can cause discoloration or fading of the materials.

Benefits of Air-Drying

Air-drying your sneakers after washing offers several benefits:

  • Preserve the materials and prevent heat damage or shrinkage in a dryer.
  • Helps maintain the shape and structure of the sneakers, prolonging their lifespan.
  • Allows for thorough drying, ensuring long-term freshness and odor prevention.
  • Reduces the risk of discoloration or fading caused by high temperatures.
  • Saves energy and is an environmentally friendly option.
  • Prevents potential damage to the washing machine caused by excessive heat or wear and tear.
  • Gives you control over the drying process, allowing you to monitor and adjust as needed.
  • Minimizes the risk of over-drying, leading to cracking or stiffness in the materials.

Drawbacks of Air-Drying

While air-drying offers many benefits, it’s important to be aware of some potential drawbacks:

  • It can be time-consuming, as sneakers can take several hours or even days to fully dry, depending on the materials and ventilation.
  • If not done properly, air-drying can lead to misshaping or deformation of the sneakers if they are not stuffed or rotated regularly.
  • Air drying may take longer in humid or damp environments, increasing the risk of mildew or musty odors.
  • It requires a well-ventilated area with good air circulation, which may only be available in some living spaces.
  • Air drying may be less effective for removing stubborn odors or stains than machine washing with specialized cleaning products.
  • It requires more effort and attention than tossing the sneakers in the dryer.
  • If monitored closely, air drying can lead to complete drying, contributing to odor buildup or mold growth.
  • More than air-drying alone may be required in severe odor or staining, and additional cleaning methods may be necessary.

Ensuring Safety and Longevity

To ensure the safety and longevity of both your sneakers and washing machine, follow these guidelines:

  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your sneakers and the washing machine to ensure proper use and care.
  • Regularly clean and maintain your washing machine to prevent any buildup of debris or odors that could transfer to your sneakers during future washes.
  • Avoid overloading the machine to prevent damage or excessive wear and tear.
  • Inspect your sneakers for any signs of damage or wear after washing and take appropriate action if necessary.
  • Consider investing in specialized sneaker cleaning products or solutions for tough stains or odors.
  • Rotate your sneakers regularly to allow them to air out and prevent excessive odor buildup.
  • Replace sneakers when they show signs of significant wear or damage, as continuing to wear them can lead to discomfort or injury.

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Cleaning sneakers in the washing machine can be a game-changer for those who struggle with persistent odors or stains. Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can enjoy fresh, odor-free sneakers without the hassle of intense scrubbing or expensive cleaning products.


Is it OK to wash sneakers in the washing machine?

Yes, washing sneakers in the washing machine is generally OK if they are made of canvas, nylon, cotton, or polyester.

What is the best way to clean dirty sneakers?

The best way to clean dirty sneakers is to mix warm water with a small amount of mild laundry detergent or dish soap. Use a soft-bristled brush or cloth to gently scrub the sneakers, focusing on areas with stubborn dirt or stains. Rinse off the soap with clean water and let the sneakers air dry completely before wearing them again.

How long can I soak sneakers in water?

You can soak your sneakers in water overnight for best results. Make sure to use warm, soapy water with a gentle detergent like laundry soap or dish soap. After soaking, rinse them off in cold water and let them air dry completely before wearing them again.

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